Dear President-Elect, Sincerely Alejandra Montes de Oca

By Alejandra Montes de Oca

Dear Future President Biden,

Congratulations. You did it. You were elected as the 46th president of the United States of America. While you won this battle, there is so much left to do. 

As the next president, I hope you understand what you represent to the world. You are leading one of the biggest nations, and everything you do not only affects America but also the world.

Growing up in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, I realized there are so many injustices and problems within the systems we have created through society. One example is segregation. Milwaukee is the most segregated city in America. I didn't even realize this was a problem which shows that we are the people that created it. That also means we have to be the ones to solve the problems. 

One of the things I want you to acknowledge is that you have privilege. This does not mean that you have not had struggles or problems of your own- what this means is that you should do the typical “put yourself in others shoes.” Some people worry about being murdered because of the color of their skin. Others wonder where their next meal is coming from. Some struggle between continuing their education or working to maintain their family. Others go to sleep hoping to wake up the next morning because they could not afford healthcare and medication.

That is my first ask from you. I ask for understanding and acceptance. Most people in America are different from you. Realistically, I know you can not solve everyone’s problems, but I hope, that as the President, you acknowledge the problems that others face and try to make life better. $1,200 is not enough money to help a family for nine months especially during a pandemic. What can you do that will ensure a better life for the hardworking middle and low income families?

We are not asking for handouts. We are asking for support. These families need realistic help when trying to solve their problems. Some families have to decide between healthcare and feeding their families, going to school or going to work, eating fast food everyday or only eating once a week because it’s healthy, getting into credit card debt or not having the bare necessities to stay alive, missing work to take care of a sick child or getting fired because it is the third time missing work. 

Help the people that truly need it. Not handouts, but a way to make it better. A better system for the people in America. While saying “America’s economy is booming” is nice, imagine saying “People in America are able to live in the economy.” They are not oppressed because of their socioeconomic status. 

My next ask is that you remind America what makes America the country of freedom and hope. Hate is not the answer. America is a great country that was built on immigration. Embrace immgiration instead of separating families and placing people in detention centers. Immigrants do the work that most Americans do not want to do. They work in farms, cleaning homes, landscaping, etc.  These people are hard working and just want to live in a country where they can build a name for themselves. After all, that is the idea America was founded on. 

While you may not believe or agree with the things the previous president said, they were said and agreed on by many people- the number of people that agree are actually alarming and terrifying. ICE is not the answer- abolish them. They are using the government’s money for concentration camp conditions.

Next, take what scientists are saying seriously. Although I know you believe in climate change and wearing a mask to prevent the spread of COVID, this is not all I hope for. Take measures. My generation is trying to save the planet that previous generations have damaged severely. If drastic measures are not taken, my future children will not live here and the mere thought of America will be nonexistent. 

There needs to be more laws that control plastic waste, carbon emission, as well as education. People don’t know what can be recycled and what cannot be. Additionally, one of the greatest contributors to plastic waste are water bottles. Why? In some places, people do not have access to clean water. Other places, water bottles are cheaper than tap water. How can you and your administration make clean water affordable and accessible for everyone? How can you make non-reusable plastic a thing of the past?

My next ask is more broad. We need funding. We need funding for a quality education. We need funding for art programs. We need funding for food. We need funding for scholarships. We need money for programs that allow students to travel the world and bring back ideas that will help the greater good. 

The youth of America are working hard on making changes to the broken system we grew up in. Although many of us voted for you, we did that to take the other president out of office. Now that we did that, we need you to be the president that the American people deserve- all Americans. This includes young people, Black, Brown, Indigenious, and undocumented even if they aren’t what people think are America. 

I need you to know that the youth of America are going to hold you accountable. We have seen so much and lived through even more the past couple of years. We are tired of being afraid of our future. That is why there are so many groups of young activists.

As the President elect of the United States, I need you to pick an administration that represents the real people of America. I need you to be the leader that we need and not speak for us but amplify our voices. 


Dear President-Elect, Sincerely Dartaja Carr


Dear President-Elect, Sincerely Olga Guerrero